Thursday, 29 April 2010

She cannae take it, cap'n...

Things are going too fast for me these days. But stuff gets done. The plan is always to blog a bit more regularly on both this and my Norwegian blog, but now that a lot of stuff worth blogging about is happening, I don't find the time and energy to blog about it. But here's some of it:

I now have a collection of 19 autobiographical lies on sale at Indyplanet. Hopefully the price trouble gets fixed. It should be $9.99. Please buy it and support me.

Wow! I'm published in English! Insanity!


It's also available for free download. Please review it, or find ways to print and distribute it. Click here to download and review.

Of course all of this is released under a Creative Commons attribution license, which means that you can do whatever you want with it(as long as you attribute it to me, and tell me). So if you're interested in publishing any of it in... wherever you want... Please do it. Drop me a line to get better 600 dpi resolution.

So I'm available in English and for free? Insanity, I tell you!

More coming... sometime... including download and buy links for the sidebar.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Sunday Lies: Work...

Originally drawn and published in Norwegian the 7th of October 2009.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Sunday lies: Knuckles...

Originally drawn and published 29th of April 2009.

Monday, 12 April 2010

Sunday lies: Summer's coming...

Summer is still a good while off, but it was sunny and you could pretend like it was hot today. And I did spend the day inside. So...
Originally drawn and published 15th April 2009.

Monday, 5 April 2010

Sunday lies: Excuses...

Ops... So I might have forgotten to post this one yesterday. But it's probably Sunday somewhere in the universe, isn't it? And time is relative and all. Anyhow... I thought it fitting to post my lie about excuses...
Originally drawn and published in Norwegian 23rd of September 2009.